Vince and me Podcasting!

Thursday 12th July saw me at Vince Tracy’s broadcasting studio in La Nucia (www.vincetracy.com) where we enjoyed a recorded chat about wines, restaurants, rock music, football and other stuff of great interest to ourselves and hopefully to others too!

Vince has a huge following with something like 3,000 people regularly following his podcasts and his website, plus of course those who go to see his live performances, musical and comedy. He’s well known in the sports world, a Judo expert and accomplished footballer and rugby player as well as an ex-PE Teacher, like myself. He was born in the Wirral and is an avid Liverpool Football Supporter – we have a lot in common!

Something of a technophobe myself I was fascinated to learn more about the high-tech (to me at least) world of podcasting and I have to say that his flattering introduction to our podcast of yesterday (now available – www.vincetracy.com click on the right side of the home page, Podcasts, Colin Harkness) is hardly deserved when compared to the hundreds of other interviewees, many of them famous from the world of Pop and Rock, Sport, Entertainment and even the odd Politician too (well, they’re all odd, aren’t they?!).


A great experience for me – and we’ve agreed to add to this starter, as time goes on, so please keep a look out on Vince’s website, www.vincetracy.com !

In the Podcast hot-seat, with Vince in various guises behind!