From Bodegas Hacienda Señorio de Nevada

Estamos encantados con su recomendación . . . .

Buenas Tardes Colin,

Muchísimas gracias de parte de nuestro Director Antonio Gimeno, así como por parte de todo el equipo de Hacienda Señorío de Nevada. Estamos encantados con su recomendación y para nosotros es todo un honor su reconocimiento.

En nombre de todo el equipo reciba un afectuoso saludo.


Bodegas Señorio de Nevada




It’s over a year since I first wrote about the impressive and slowly expanding portfolio of wines at Bodegas Señorio de Nevada, DO Granada. Head Winemaker, Chema Concustell, is charged with fashioning a range of wines that will delight consumers and gain awards and medals on the way.


Our e-mail exchanges over the months leading up to my article and subsequently have always ended with an invitation from Chema to visit the bodega and stay overnight in their hotel which is surrounded by the vines from which come the grapes that make their wines. Recently I decided to take him up on his kind offer, and bring some friends along too!


At the end of March twenty-five of us turned up at the superior 4* Hacienda Señorio de Nevada and having checked into our luxurious rooms we assembled in the foyer where we met our guide, plus General Manager, Antonio Gimeno, who was also keen to meet such a large group of wine enthusiasts.


To say that the Señorio de Nevada bodega and hotel is an impressive project, doesn’t really do it justice. The group of five businessmen, who have made their money from construction in nearby Granada, and who started the business in 1996, have spared no expense in terms of  building and interior design. Plus, their attention to the detail that is required if fine wine is to be made, no doubt with a huge input from Chema and Antonio, is second to none.


It’s a long-term project that is relatively in its infancy (note, for example, that the 2013 white wine we tasted is their first white wine vintage – a new product), and yet already the plaudits are rolling in. Indeed, after our tour of the bodega, we started our tasting with the wine that has most recently garnered a Gold Medal, at the prestigious Bacchus wine competition, held in Madrid the week before our arrival.


I will be very surprised if I taste a better rosé this year than Bodegas Señorio de Nevada’s 2013 Rosado – it is a beautifully coloured, delicate, fragranced, elegant wine whose pink rose-petal and raspberry aromas begin the graceful charm offensive in considerable style. The flavour on the palate is beguiling, you swallow, and suddenly all is right with the world! Yes – it’s that good!


Starting with rosado (under8€) instead of the new kid on the block, their white mono-varietal Viognier, was wholly understandable when we tried the Viognier 2013 (just over 8€). It’s a bigger wine than the delicate rosado, and one with some time on its hands for developing further. Jassy (my kindred spirit re white wines on this trip) and I agreed that, although drinking well, with as yet only a passing reference to varietal characteristics, there’s a richness to the wine that will evolve over the next 12 months.


It will become a wine to partner some SE Asian dishes, as well as seafood paella, fish, chicken and light meats. Serve it chilled, but not too cold, and right now, wait a while for the aromas to escape.


The next wine we tasted was their red 2009 Oro, aptly named as it is a golden wine, the flagship of the bodega, from what Chema describes as an excellent vintage. It’s clear here that Chema’s philosophy of ensuring that it is the fruit that is to the fore in his wines, with the oak adding depth, complexity and subtle flavours, are not wasted words. On the nose there is glorious damson, blackberry fruit, with some herbal additions, earthy bay leaf and maybe some rosemary or thyme, but also with integrated coconut and an illusive dark chocolate finish from the exclusively French oak in which the wine is aged.


Priced at the bodega at 18·50€, it actually merits a steeper price, and is a wine that will keep for several years yet. (all wines are available from where you’ll also see details and photos of the hotel).


We thoroughly enjoyed a sumptuous dinner in the hotel’s gastronomic restaurant on both nights of our stay, where we were also served two further red wines: Plata and Bronze, which were both very well received, with the latter a medal hopeful at the International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC), where I’ll be completing my final day of judging on Friday 11th April – when this article is scheduled for publication!


NB We have some space left for our Thai Cuisine/Spanish Wine Tasting evening on Tuesday 20th May at Javea’s excellent Thia Restaurant, Monsoon. Five different Thai dishes will each be partnered with a different wine, designed to make the perfect match! Should be a sensational evening – to reserve please call me 629 388 159 or e-mail; or call into Monsoon, Javea.


Contact Colin: and Twitter @colinonwine

Super Short Break – March 2014

Hola a todos!

Well at last – here are the details of the proposed Short Break to the beautiful mountains above Granada, the rolling chalk coloured valleys of Jerez and the stunning historical city of Seville!

The dates are Monday 24th March – Friday 28th March 2014 – that’s 5 days, 4 nights.

Please note that as Granada is not too far away we won’t be making a really early start!!

We’ll be staying the super, tranquil 4* boutique Hacienda Señorio de Nevada on the first and last nights; and in the 4* luxury Hotel Sherry Park in Jerez for the middle two nights.

As you know this is a wine/sherry/cultural orientated trip and we’ll have organised tours and tastings in the little known (as yet) but excellent area known as Vino de Calidad de Granada; plus of course Sherry in its natural home, Jerez. We’ll also have a day visiting wonderful Seville.

The Hacienda sits surrounded by its own vineyards which make award winning and lovely wine and there are sensational views of the nearby snow-capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada!

We have Dinner Bed and Breakfast for all but the third night, which will be free for you to choose your own restaurant in Jerez, if you would like to experience dinner out of the hotel – though the hotel option will still be open to you if you wish.

The price, 475€ per person, is the most economic I can make it – and it includes:

All the above, plus return travel, of course; a prize raffle, a prize quiz on the visits etc of our trip, during our return journey.

A full itinerary will be available later – there’ll be none of the above left out, of course –  but there may be some interesting additions!

NB Insurance is not included – please make your own arrangements.

I am sending this to all of you before making it public, advertising it in the Costa Blanca News, Facebook etc.

The Hacienda is a boutique hotel so places are limited. Therefore if you fancy joining us please let me know as soon as you can. A deposit of 100€ per person will be required but not until the week beginning 16th December (though you can pay this before of course!).

If you have friends who would also like to join us please let me know – it’s a case of first come first served!

Many thanks – I can’t wait.

If you have any queries please contact me – and please don’t forget to confirm as soon as you can that you are joining us!


Twitter @colinonwine






I have a limited number of places for an excellent 5 day (4 nights) Short Break in the stunningly beautiful Mountains of Granada, staying Dinner, Bed and Breakfast in 4* Luxury at the Hacienda Señorio de Nevada, which is located in its own vineyards! (Please note that some lunches will also be included in the price!)

Bodegas Señorio de Nevada makes award winning wines from some of the highest vineyards in Spain – we tour the bodega and of course taste the wines! Plus: we will tour and taste at one other top class bodega; enjoy a wine tasting (learning tasting tips) one evening before dinner using wines from yet another of the super bodegas in the area; and visit the ancient city of Granada, its Arab Bazaar, Cathedral, Chapel of Rest of the Catholic Kings, the Plaza Nueva, excellent shopping, etc, including a guided tour of the Alhambra Palace!

There will also be the opportunity (though no pressure) to buy Wines at reduced Bodega Prices and of course there will be plenty of room on our coach to bring back as many as you like!

As you can imagine the scenery throughout our visit will be breathtaking – snow capped mountain peaks and verdant valleys, the majesty of Granada’s architecture and the charm of the Arab and Jewish Quarters etc! You’ll love the tranquil chill-out luxury of our hotel where there are also a number of optional extra activities which may be of interest.

Return travel, a prize draw and all the above are included in the price of 490€!

Please call me on 629 388 159 or e-mail for more information and to reserve your places!

This promises to be a tasty and memorable experience, one that will stay with you for years to come!