Well, I was back in time to write the 2nd half of yesterday’s blog, honest, but there were internet connection issues! Plus, for some reason my laptop is telling me that the photos I took, with my usual camera, are too large for this blog!
Shame as I took some good ones last night at the Inauguration of the VIII DO Bullas Wine Competition, and of the tasting that followed!
I have to admit to thinking it, although most enjoyable, a little odd that the wine judges of a wine competition taste the wines entered the evening before the event. Thus there could be some of us who will have an idea already, before this morning’s competition, about which wines will be the medal winners.
Of course, tasting this morning will be blind, whereas it certainly wasn’t last night. So, maybe this tasting (and judging, of course) should best be termed, a translucent tasting rather than a blind one?!
Never mind, I’m up for it – in every possible sense. Showered, dressed and writing this update before i go down to breakfast.
I didn’t taste all the wines last night, of course – though I did taste all the whites (not many, it’s largely and red wine area) and all of the rosados (there were more of these, mostly using the favoured grape variety, Monastrell, but with bit parts also for Garnacha too.
The predominant colour of the rosados was the bright pink that is common here, with variations on a theme, though one Provence style, onionskin-coloured rosé stood out as it was so different. (Therefore we’ll know whose this wine is when we taste ‘translucent’ this morning!).
I left a little early, conscious that I’d be ‘working’ this morning, so I didn’t have the chance to visit all the stands for their reds. However, I can say that there really were some outstanding red wines there last night, so I’m looking forward to tasting more tonight – and the same ones again!
Well, yes, but with one exception – one of the exhibitors last night, and one of the best red producers, has not entered this morning’s competition. No controversy, nothing unpleasant, they just took a management decision to exhibit, but not to enter. I’m not really sure why, it’s a shame as I’m certain they’d be amongst the medals!
Lovely atmosphere, super wines and tasty, gourmet nibbles too. Now down to work!
More later!